Friday, May 28, 2010

The World is Shrinking

After a long absence, I have returned with the very thing for which you have all been waiting: AN UPDATE.

Unfortunately, I have nothing extraordinarily exciting to report because I have not traveled, but I can tell you why said traveling has not occurred. If you all remember, I was set to go to Huaraz with a friend of mine, but we had yet to purchase the tickets because we assumed the Peruvian Megabus system worked the same way everything else does here: last minute. As such, we didn't plan on purchasing our tickets until about 5 hours before departure time. Sadly, upon arrival at the bus station, we were informed that all of the tickets had been sold out, forcing us to make a difficult decision: either pay another 5 dollars (currency converted) to go to another bus station where they had more buses or to spend the weekend in Lima. We chose the latter option, and let me tell you, it was FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. After a weekend of shopping, dancing, good conversation, and general goodness, I can guarantee I do not regret that trip not happening. That being said, I still want to go to Huaraz.

Now to the main point of this blog post: THE WORLD IS SO SMALL. In the last several weeks, I have had multiple experiences that support this statement. I will share the most appropriate and the most recent story. Last night, Thursday, we received word that one of the British men we met in Trujillo during our mini-vacation was in town, so we decided we would meet up with him for conversations and drinks. We walked into his hostel and waited in the lobby for a little bit while the receptionist went to find our Briton, when I suddenly see a really tall man walk down the stairs. Nope, it wasn't the British guy. It was Jason, a classmate from high school who I have not seen for three years. I was shocked. Of all of the hostels in all of Lima, we happen to be in the same one at the same time? Impossible. But true! I love this city - it never ceases to amaze me.

Academic update: Exams went well. So well, in fact, that some of my friends in my Structure of Language course called me a "nerd" because my grade was higher than all of theirs. What's my native language? Oh right, English. Holla at yo' boy!

My memory card for my camera is broken, so I'm going to have to purchase a new one from no pictures in this post!

Much love from Lima.

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